
HBase is an open source distributed NoSQL database. It is widely used in the industry - Spotify, Adobe, Bloomberg, Airbnb etc - to store large amounts of data in a fault tolerant way, while giving high read/write throughput.

HBase, like most other databases, needs ‘index’ to make searching for a entry within the database fast. Index structure greatly influences the database’s performance.

Traditionally, a B-tree is used to store this index. But this paper proposed a smart idea: use a ‘learned index’ instead of a B-Tree.

Learned index, wut?!

Consider this small key value dataset you want to store into your database. (Note: It is sorted by key)

1. 23:'value1-veryLong-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
2. 34:'value2-veryLong-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
3. 56:'value3-veryLong-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
4. 78:'value4-veryLong-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
5. 90:'value5-veryLong-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

Now, if you have to retrieve the value for key (if it exists), say 78, you need an index to tell you which position is your key in this dataset (position 4 here). A B-tree would perform binary search style traversal, taking O(logn) time.

But what if I learned an index function f(), s.t f(key)=position. i.e f(78)=4, f(90)=5 and so on? You can search for the key in O(1)!

That’s the idea of ‘learned index’. Yes, yes, a lot more details are needed to make this work!

But it’s not what you think.

So learned index makes index searching fast. This is good if your entire DB is in memory. For disk based DBs - which is practically any large scale DB, like HBase - index traversal is only a small part of overall latency and speed improvements from having learned index are minimal. But, this paper from Google showed that there are interesting secondary effects of using learned index that ultimately give performance improvements! What are they? Well, that’s the bait 😛. Read the paper and watch this talk.

So what’s the project?

  1. Implement learned index for HBase
    1. Currently, we know of no open source implementation of learned index in any widely used distributed DB.
    2. We already have a (very) preliminary implementation.
    3. We will have to deal with dirty details of of HBase codebase (java) and modify it
  2. More importantly, the idea can be further extended to improve scalability of HBase and other similar systems. If you reached this point, we should talk!
  3. It’s a research project (atleast partly), so you should have enough time to dedicate (~ 3-4 hours a week).
